Why don't you take it easy? Like focusing on getting 5 people at a time? After the fifth person joins you, take some time off sponsoring, and go back to the 1st person and get them started properly into the programme.
One of my mentors said to me, "Zahir, I'd rather sponsor 5 people and get them started properly, instead of sponsoring 30 to 40 people but all you get are sleeping partners". You see, by sponsoring a few people at a time and then help the few to learn how to sponsor other people will duplicate you in them. If you are able to duplicate your proactive self in your organization, I can guarantee that you will achieve tremendous success.
For example, I was recruiting 20 to 30 people a month into one of my networking business by showing 150 plans a month. Yeah, the results were impressive - I was proclaimed the "Champion Of The Month". However, none of the 20 to 30 people I sponsored were able to duplicate me, and when I had to attend to something else, or was sick, my group's recruitment dropped to almost zero. That's definitely not good for business.
Now, after my mentor told me about getting a handful of people started properly, I achieved greater success. You see, those who I did follow up on were able to take baby-steps in building their business - like sponsor 1 other person every 2 days, or 1 every 1 month - I was able to duplicate myself in more people out of about 10 people compared to those 30 to 40 people whom I did not have time to do follow up with (of course, if you try to sponsor 30 to 40 people a month, you would have to show about 150 plans, and when would you find the time to get all your people started properly?).
So remember - baby steps. Sponsor a few, and follow up the few. Then sponsor a few more, and follow up the new few.

Repeat this
activity in you until it becomes a routine, until you can sponsor people almost on-demand. Cascade this routine to your team through your follow up, and you will have a business with a system that will generate you an income even while you sleep.
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