I have been around the local IT & multimedia scene for quite a number of years now... and I find that there are a big number of people who simply does not know enough about IT and Multimedia to make the industry flourish as it should. Even from local professionals, I get questions like "How to charge clients for a website development?", and "What are the things to ask when engaging a client for a project?". Often, without getting these fundamentals right, an IT & multimedia project can go so off tangent that it becomes an unworthy chore to the developers - content grows beyond the initial discussion, some boss up there overides the original commitee's ideas, etc. etc.
So, ETDP is about providing a more systematic approach to delivering IT & multimedia products and services to our clients. Or even to ourselves. The ETDP content development team has worked hard for the past 1 and a half years to create guides, instructions and tools for people who wish to take on the industry and build a business. The basic content that will be given out from subscribing to the programme will include:
1) a programme manual - features, getting started, step-by-step sales process, and methods of how to make money from this programme will be included in this 15 page full colour manual;
2) brochure on web and print design, and on e-learning that members can show, present or pass to a prospect - the brochure becomes a business tool which can help sell IT & multimedia products and services;
3) A Demo CD - this cd is yet another business tool, which includes works on web design (HTML and Flash), some print design screenshots, and a few e-learning coursewares which has been developed by the ETDP team to help your prospects have a feel of what you are selling to them;
4) Also, subscribers to the programme would have access to the Ministry of Finance cerificates for most (if not all) IT & Multimedia products and services, and also a certificate from FINAS to produce film if you need to.
In addition, the Institute of Professional Development at Open University Malaysia would be the official training and development arm for ETDP, and will provide short courses and training seminars on entrepeneurship to help members achieve success in the programme.
Yayasan Bina Insan Malaysia (YBIM) comes into the picture by advocating the programme, and will organize public functions to create awareness of the programme. Also, some revenues from the ETDP registration fee will be contributed to YBIM to help spur other charitable works as an ongoing initiative to help better our Malaysian lives.
Well, I hope this is the programme that you all are waiting for. Targeting to launch it by March 2008.
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