Does that make sense?
If you have a business, it'd be wiser to invest in tools that can help you grow your business faster so that you won't have to bear extended overheads. Like me, building my IT and multimedia business for the past 7 years... I had seen the sense in investing in my equipment - I bought a pc system that was well worth in the RM20,000 domain because normal household pcs just won't cut it. With a superior system, I managed to do my work faster, and accept more clients, and therefore more $$$.
Does that make sense?
Hey... you know what? There are businesses out there which requires very small amounts of investment (especially those like EMBrand and Diwaris). You just need:

a notebook and a pen.
Show the plan. That's what I do. On a notebook, and manually using a pen to write. Don't just tell people about your business - sketch the idea on paper. It helps a lot.
And from the notebook and pen, when you make enough, invest maybe in a laptop and mobile internet.
Can you believe that you can be financially free this year, 2008, if you just decide to put a little bit of extra effort and start building your dreams?
I believe you can. Be free. Just do it. Do it now.
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