Monday, March 10, 2008

Do It Before You Need It

A friend of mine came to me the other day and told me of his current situation - the company he works in is not making enough business to pay the office rent, and so all the staff were told to work from home starting this month.

I asked him, "What about next month?"

He answered, "My boss don't know yet."

"What about you?" I asked further.

"I don't know yet," was his dismayed answer.

Friends, I would say that if any one of us is in this situation, we KNOW the answer - our income would stop next month, but our bills will not stop coming in our mails.

Therefore, we should know exactly what to do - build another income.

Don't sit around. Do something. Anything.

And for those who are not yet in the above situation, I'd recommend that you build a spare stream of income now, before you need it.

Best of luck to all of us.

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