Thursday, May 8, 2008

Iron Man

Recently, I took my whole family out to the new Alamanda GSC cinema complex and watched Iron Man. Among Marvel's superheroes, I wasn't that familiar with Iron Man (more of a Spidey and Ghost Rider fan myself).

But...weheyyyy!!! I was stunned! Iron Man is COOOL! I highly recommend the movie to anyone (since my wife liked it, that means everyone can like it!).

However, more importantly... the movie portrayed the evolution of an idea. First, Tony Stark (a.k.a Iron Man), a multi billionaire who makes his fortune by selling hi-tech weapons was wounded by one of his own bomb in the Middle-East dessert, sent by a terrorist group. He was then imprisoned in a cave by the terrorists, dying, but a fellow prisoner saved him by attaching an electromagnet powered by a car battery to Stark's chest - the electromagnet kept the viral shrapnel inside Stark's chest to go to his heart. Then, from having to lug around the heavy battery wherever he goes, stark modified the crude device into a small dynamo, which was easier for him to carry around. From there, Stark got an idea to built an armor that was powered by the dynamo. And from the armor... you guessed it ... the super cool Iron Man!

Now... relate this to your life. What you are building now may look ugly - your business for example. However, as you keep working on it, it will evolve and grow little by little. And, before you know it, your ugly business becomes a huge income stream for you.

The key: keep working on it, little by little, baby steps. And one day... you'll be Iron Man.


The Bubur Caca Lover said...

Sampai ati... I am not categorized as one of your friendly bloggers. sniff.sniff

Zahir75 said...

Dah add dah "Cacamarba". Puas hati?

The Bubur Caca Lover said...

cam x ikhlas jer...huhuhu... thanks anyway...