Thursday, November 13, 2008

Define What Success Means To You

Knowing what you want is very important in getting what you want, don't you think? I mean, if you don't know what you are looking for, how will you find it? 

For example, if I ask you to go out and get me a pack of Nasi Lemak, you will have no problem in getting it for me because you know exactly what it looks like, and where it can be found.

But if I ask you to go out and get me a bpxopfo sbr djnfs, what will you do? Ignore me, most probably. The reason - you have no idea what I want you to get me!

If you want success, more or less the same principles apply - you have to know what success means to you.

Does Success mean you can stay at home all you want with your husband, wife, children or parents?

Does Success mean you have all the money to care for your parents?

Does Success mean you can own a big nice home for you and your family?

Does Success mean you can own an expensive sports car without having to care about the monthly instalments?

Does Success mean you don't need to work but still have money coming in for you?

Only when you have defined what your idea of Success is can you start thinking about how you are going to achieve it.

So, why don't you take an hour today to define your Success. It can come true, you know.

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