Hi all,
I am in need of a flash programmer urgently to simulate the Ti84 Graphing Calculator:

For those who are interested, please e-mail me at webmaster@eilham.com to express your interest.
The expected delivery of this simulation is within 2 weeks time. I am willing to pay RM1,500++ for any who can deliver.
have been very bz n have not been reading ur blog fer a while hence the question: dah dpt org aka flash programmer? i instantly tot of dear hamzah when i read ur post.
p/s:not too bz to stop by the mamak stall to read the paper last week:P
Naah... Hamzah wouldnt cut it. Dah tanya 5 - 6 master flash actionscripter... akhirnya sorang berani. So, to answer the question - yup... got the programmer. position closed for now.
Positioned open again. The programmer pulled out to time management issues.
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