Exabytes is doing a value-for-money Merdeka 09 Promotion. Innovatively, the discount is the countdown - today it's 42% off, tommorow 41%, the day after 40%... well.. you get the picture.
That means, the sooner you buy, the cheaper it is.
And you will want to get it in THIS PROMO - UNLIMITED SPACE, UNLIMITED BANDWIDTH, UNLIMITED ADD-ON DOMAINS ... whoa... trust me - I've been doing web stuffs since 2001, and Exabytes Merdeka 09 Promotion is the best value webhosting package I have come across!
And since Exabytes is MSC Status - no need to worry about quality of service.
You're gonna have to get yourself a website anyway, sooner or later. This is the best time, I tell ya!
That means, the sooner you buy, the cheaper it is.
And you will want to get it in THIS PROMO - UNLIMITED SPACE, UNLIMITED BANDWIDTH, UNLIMITED ADD-ON DOMAINS ... whoa... trust me - I've been doing web stuffs since 2001, and Exabytes Merdeka 09 Promotion is the best value webhosting package I have come across!
And since Exabytes is MSC Status - no need to worry about quality of service.
You're gonna have to get yourself a website anyway, sooner or later. This is the best time, I tell ya!
nampaknya saya kene disagree dgn satu bab ni la bro hehe. exabytes still mahal. kalau bro pernah jumpa IXwebhosting. diantara yg terbaik dalam dunia dan harga murah dr exabytes. hehe... mungkin bro boleh try singgah kesana utk tgk apa yg saya maksudkan
Dah try IXWebhosting. Server jauh lebih slow berbanding Exabytes. Lagipun, saya ni kan ke MSC... kena la support mschosting. :)
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