Saturday, April 26, 2008

Make Money: Mentoring Incentives

Yayasan Bina Insan Malaysia (YBIM) wants to target 1% of the Malaysian population within the next 12 months to create IT and Multimedia awareness and consequently accelerate the growth of the industry.

In order to do so, YBIM initiates a "Network Mentoring" to meet the above objective - YBIM outsources back the mentoring activities to the Eilham Technopreneurs - YOU!

To be fair, each successful mentoring should result in the mentee registering for ETDP, and the mentor will recieve a mentoring incentive of RM2.50 for it.

Although as an Eilham Technopreneur you only focus to mentor 3 people at a time directly, YBIM will pay out incentives up to 11 levels of successful mentoring, which could amount to more than RM500,000 in mentoring incentives for you (RM2.50 x 200,000 mentees). In addition, in your 12th month, YBIM will total your mentoring incentives, and award you a matching amount as your Eilham Technopreneurs Fund!

This means, if your mentoring incentive totals RM500,000 in the 11 months you were active in the programme, you will get a new matching RM500,000 from YBIM. Your total = RM1,000,000!

And you don't have to pay back to YBIM - It's yours to keep.

Remember your investment - RM300 tuition fee (RM30 per month, with 2 months FREE).

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